Opening hours
At New Brighton Primary we have a 'soft start' to the school day. Registration officially starts at 8:50am however, the school site is accessible from 8:30am and school doors open at 8:40am to encourage punctuality and good attendance.
School gates will be opened from 8:30am each morning Monday to Friday, school doors will be opened at 8:40am. Please note that children must be superviesed by a parent or carer between 8:30am and 8:40am. School gates will be closed at 9:00am, any children arriving after this time will need to go through the main entrance and sign in via the Inventory system providing a reason for their lateness.
Between 9:00am and 9:30am they will receivie an 'L' code for lateness.
From 9:30am onwards, they will receive a 'U' code which will affect their attendance percentage as this counts as a morning session missed.
For children in F2 and YRs 1- 6 registration is at 8:50am and the school day finishes at 3:30pm giving pupils 33hrs and 20mins class time per week.
Pupils in our nursery provision have slightly different hours:
Full time nursery pupils: 8:45am- 3:15pm
AM session pupils: 8:45am-11:45am
PM session pupils: 12:45pm-3:45pm