Independence |
I can take care of my own belongings in school. |
I can get myself ready for different activities including P.E. without help. |
I can keep myself clean and tidy at school. |
Determination, I can complete a task without a grown up. |
???????Resilience |
I know that it is ok to make mistakes. |
I do not give up. |
??????????????I have a go at new activities. |
Passion, I try my best always give 100%. |
Mutual Respect |
I am kind to others. |
I know how to take turns. |
I listen to my teachers. |
Respect, I follow rules and say please and thank you. |
Confidence |
I can leave my carer and come into school with a smile. |
I can talk to my friends about things that interest me. |
I can tell my teacher and my lunchtime supervisor when I need help. |
Self-belief, I know when it is safe to take a risk especially when playing outdoors. |
Responsibility |
I can keep my belongings on my own peg. |
I can help a friend in need. |
I help to keep my classroom tidy. |
Honesty, I treat the things in my classroom with care. |
Community Involvement?????????????? |
I know people who help me at school. |
I know people who help us in the community. |
I have visited the area around my school. |
Teamwork, I take part in fundraising events at school. |